Fashion #Rewear

Hi, my names Claire and I used to be a shopaholic.
Okay I admit that I still am but I no longer buy clothing.  My current wardrobe is beyond capacity from buying everything I loved over the last, say 3 years.  Many pieces I admit are prints and though I still like them I find them difficult to wear.  On the other hand I have many simple pieces I know I can wear over and over again. This brings me to my new idea of only wearing what I have until each item is passed it's best.  Majority of pieces I now own can be sourced at a fraction of the cost from second hand stores/online.  Perhaps you have a wardrobe bursting with the same if not similar pieces and may be able to find some inspiration or hunt down something old but new to you.

Incase you didn't know, I have an instagram account @ClaireMacIsaac.  It is here that I posted the above pictures of me mixing old items of clothing from my closet.  The blazer on the left may be new but it is on sale for £16 and is so thick and cosy that it was essential for the UK climate. While I may include designer items, majority of my clothings is from River Island, H&M and Primark. The middle image includes my loved Primark coat that I have worn every year since I bought it and it's still going strong in it's 3rd year.  The 3rd image is mostly second hand items I bought over the year.

I will post my #Rewear images here and tag brands for anyone else who wants to join me on this journey.



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