August - Personal Post

I've definetly just ignored this blog for a few months now and I'm not so excited to be posting a life update straight after my last life update last month, but hey I have had good reasons and I'm planning on making a few changes here.

So whats been happening in my life that's made me neglect my blog?

Well..I've been making a new blog. Designing it hasn't been so excited and I'm just not happy enough with it yet to start posting. I have planned on getting my posts and page all sorted to launch on 1st of September. #IWillKeepItUp 

I've also been looking for a new car. This is no easy task especially for someone like me who just doesn't like having to many choices. In the end I picked a ford fiesta titanium, since I've been after a ford for a long time now. And after what happened this year I deserve it. It was also a necessary purchase. 

I've also been working extra hours at work and when I've been off I've actually been going out and having a good time for once.

I'm off work now for a few days so I'll be off making a few sneaky purchases online and will make sure to have some posts up in the next few days. I have one huge stash of empties to be posted.



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