I confess

All I've read or thought about lately is posts based on "hey it's okay" or "I've learnt" etc. Well they deffinetly got me thinking about all things I've learnt lately or found my self doing that's "hey okay". 
I'm going to kick off my "I've been thinking" posts by sharing some of those little beauty traits we're all guilty off from time to time. 

So here it goes...

1 - Yes I often go to bed with my make-up. Mostly it's in the morning after my nightshift cause well, I just don't have time for that. 

2 - I'm that person who has to wash her hair everyday. I know it's bad, but day old hair just isn't tolerable unless I got the dry shampoo in on time. 

3 - Peeling off the gel nails. I don't peel off nail polish but anytime my gel nails chip on start to peel and base, they just all have to come off. Personally I'd rather do this than soak them in pure acetone for 15 minutes. 

4 - I don't moisturise everyday. When you don't have time or you just live in a freezing cold house like I do it's often just better to skip it and get some clothes on ASAP. 

5 - I still use those beauty products past there recommended use within 6 months of opening. I don't like to spend £36 on a huge tub of eye cream that needs to be used within 6 months. I still won't have used half of it even if I used it twice a day. But hey it still looks and smells okay, it's just a guideline right?

6 - I have all theses shades of lipsticks and different pieces of make-up but I still choose to just pop on the Concealor, powder, mascara and LipBalm, no matter when or where I'm going out. 

7 - Not knowing how to file my nails properly. Yes I bought a crystal nail file that said it's okay to file back and forth without causing damage. 

8 - I forget the last time I cleaned my hair brush let alone my make-up brush. I do see makeup academy have a brush cleanser lotion I may just check out. 

9 - Not using a base coat all the time. I rarely paint my nails now but if I do and it's a light colour I'll skip the base. I won't be doing that for neon green nail polish again though. Yellow nails aren't attractive. 

10 - Body brushing 24 hours before epilating. Epilating is something I have to do in the right frame of mind. Sometimes I just wake up one day feeling prepared to epilating but didn't know that 24 hours ago to body brush. Is it okay that I use a body scrub before hand? 

That's what I'm guilty of. I do however have some good routines in place though. I'm not a total lost cause. 
Here they are..

1 - I always protect my hair before styling. I remember when I was a teen and never used a product. Eek. Now I have a huge selection of products I choose from everyday. 

2 - The Invisobobble can be your hairs BFF. I no longer get headaches using these at work, nor do I feel I'm damaging my hair by tying it tightly on my head with two ordinary bobbles. 

3 - Getting those regular hair cuts. I pre book am appointment every 6 weeks so I'm not going over long without a hair cut keeping it within a schedule. 

4 - Rinsing with lukewarm water instead of hot. Most of the time I do this, unless I've been using the hot water tap before hand it's a little too hot. 

5 - Keeping away from those silicone based products. I've heard so many people talking about staying away from them. 



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