The Incomplete Wish List

Bringing today a little wishlist of things I plan to buy before I cut back my hours at work or leave my job behind all together. It is quiet a thought of how one will cope with no income at all or having a huge chunk of that pay missing at the end of the month and that you know you can no longer spend it on buying everything you want. This is the decision I have made and am looking positively at how good it will feel when I will have to start saving for those big purchases and how much a little treat like a bath bomb from Lush once a month will seem so much more special.

This isn't a complete list of things I'm after buying but more so the few things I just want now and won't feel so guilty buying on reduced income. Well the bath bomb isn't something I'd be having to save for but I didn't know yesterday when I was in Lush that it was cinnamon scented so now It's a must-have-right-now item. 

Pink Jacket £95 Debenhams // Pink runched Rosette bedding £75 Debenhams // Bunny Cake and Jelly Beans Candles £19.99 each Yankee Candle // Fizzbanger Bath Bomb £3.35 Lush


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