Last chance to buy

I'm not sure how long it's been since Lush posted there list of products that are being discontinued at the end of the month. I only just found out this week and it was only by chance when I searched for Pheonix Rising that I came across the newsletter. 

I am incredible sad to be saying goodbye to Pheonix Rising. I luckily managed to pick up two as I just can't imagine not being able to smell it again for the rest if my life. Odd I know but it reminds me of sometime in the past. 

Of course I'm also gutted to not be able to give Grandma takes a dip a try, bathe in red after using Space Girl or buy a chearful Dorothy rainbow bubble bar. Roses aren't quiet my thing so I don't know what I'll be missing by not trying rose queen. 

Bubble bars and bath bombs aside, they are also discontinuing Stepping Stone foot scrub and Tiny Hands the solid moisturiser along with various soaps, shampoo bars and shower gels. 

Now that you know (if you didn't already) or need the reminder, I would quickly hurry to youre nearest store and stock with any of your favourites that might be left. A lot is gone online but I managed to find a decent supply in my local lush. The grandma takes a dip and SpaceGirl were gone but they had everything else. 

The girl in store hoped the next catalogue of upto date products be out in the next few weeks so now I got my Pheonix Rising, I'm looking forward to seeing what's new, hopefully it will be some from Oxford Street..x 


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