The Best Fragranced Candle Yet? McKelvie Candle Company

Everyone loves a candle especially ones of a great quality at a bargain price that really will scent a home. Today I'm sharing my favorite candle discovery. It's to pretty to burn and smells AMAZING before it's even been lit. 

I stumbled upon these Scottish handmade candles last year while visiting my grandparents. It was a really tough choice trying to choose just one to buy because they all smelled so incredible and all had very pretty little additions around the wick. 

In the end I chose one from the poets collection called Fingals Cave which is a very fresh ocean scent and has little shells and stones/glass pieces in the center of the wax. The scent is very strong without even burning it and is a little addictive because it smells so good and original compared to other candles.

This gorgeous candle cost only £12.95 and is worth every penny. It would make a great gift for any candle lover out there. 
Unfortunately there not widely available or sold online. To see your nearest stockist click here and keep looking back if there isn't one near..x


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