Reflecting on 2016 – Beauty, Fashion and Life

Here we are again, the end of another year.  Last year my last and final posts were on the years best beauty discoveries.  These posts are yet to come and will be combined in one single post seeing as it’s landed a bit late to post them individually. 

This post however is new and different, this is going to be on what new experiences I have been introduced to in the last 12 months. Starting with beauty.


1. Up until January this year, the only brush I ever used was a Kubaki brush by Lola.  This was the year I bought my first makeup brushes, brushes by Real Techniques.  Now that I’ve used them for almost a year, I could never go back to doing makeup without a professional set of brushes.

2. I went SLS free this year, mainly due to my perioral dermatitis as SLS was claimed to be a trigger.

3. I only sampled Chloe fragrances this year, and have went on to purchase a full size bottle. I absolutely love it, my new signature scent.

4. I was diagnosed with perioral and perioffical dermatitis which is not a beautiful disease, now I’ve had my treatment I make sure to enjoy makeup and skincare every single day. It just takes time and patience.


1. I bought my first ever pair of Converse trainers in 2016.  I still feel like a clown in skinny jeans with huge feet which was my reason not to ever own a pair in the first place.  I now enjoy them on long days with a pair of flared jeans.


1, At the end of 2015, someone decided it would be a good time to suddenly just stop speaking to me and never reply to my messages ever again and give me no reason why. The start of 2016 saw me a fresh new start and I repurchased what once belonged to me that said person also kept and never gave back to me, and also deleted their number. I had replaced what I needed and had them fully erased from my life.

Until 6 months later, out of no where I received a couple messages saying Hi on various social media platforms (which I Ignored). Then a few days later a text simply saying “hey how are you?”.
Now me being me, needed to reply with a text asking “who's this?” since it wasn’t a number in my contacts and I might of known them.  Sure enough it was a text from the 2015 ghoster. I was perhaps a bit cold but I made conversation and felt it was only right of me to decline accepting an apology for what they had done and let them know I didn’t think it was going to work and they were more than happy with my decision.

Skip a few days and I felt a little guilty for being so rude and sent a text to apologise.  I also had a passion to find out just what their reason was for being so down right rude in the first place that I went against my original decision of not accepting their apology and proceeded with days of awkward conversations.  Oddly I had a feeling they weren’t so keen but after a couple weeks they suggested meeting up and went on to pick a time after 7 and a day. What happened next? They messaged the night before to see if we were still meeting and that was the last time I ever heard from.
I made sure to text asking if they had wimped out the next and that was it, so far I’ve never heard from them since but did get a Facebook friend request from them a couple months later. Yes I accepted because I was still after an answer.

Lessons learned, don’t accept bad behaviour if you don’t want to. Always trust your gut feeling and people never change. Apologies mean nothing.

2, I drove somewhere new on my own, and also drove somewhere I didn’t think I ever would. This I would like to see again on next years reflections.

3. Some people may be capable of change. I have that one flaky friend who has a shown a possible change.

4. Having a puppy is such a wonderful thing.

5. I’m okay on my own. I started a new college course and didn't fit in with anyone so I sit on my own and lunch by myself. I’ve still flown through my course and know some lovely people outside of college who are more important.

6. You just never know what might happen next in your life and sometimes you might even surprise yourself.



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