New Blog Name

Having only had this blog 3 days I've already changed it's name! This time the names perfect. Deciding on a name has been a challenge, thinking of a name hasn't been easy and it was originally ClairesLifeInPictures, which I'm sure is a good enough name but doesn't quiet fit my blog description. Since my blog is personal, mostly about me and what I see, bake, decorate, wear and do, it had to have a personal title, one that's just as original as my blog so I've decided to call it......

ClaireWithoutLuck pretty much describes me, as you'll see from by blog as it progresses that I really have been so unfortunate all my life!
Although saying that probably makes me sound like some toxic person who's posts are all going to be about me complaining.....they wont be. I plan on blogging about all the things I aim to achieve in the next few years and blog about how I'm getting on and what happens when I get there.
For example...

1. Pass my driving test
2. Receive my svq2 in health and social care
3. Go back to college
4. Get a second job
5. Go To Australia
6. Get my dream job

Let's just say so far all of those things have been so far out of reach, I can't drive (awful experience), which meant I can't get a second job and save to go to Australia. It's taken ages to get my svq2 completed, now waiting on my certificate and until I receive that I can't go to college, and until I've been to college and got some good skills I can't go to Australia and get a good job. You see, Complicated!
Things are looking up though, hopefully the one thing stopping me the most I can tick of my list on Tuesday ;)

So good luck to me......x


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