All In A Days....

Aside from all my posts on shopping and samples you might remember that I did actually start this blog to post about my not normal amount of bad luck I have, weirdly blogger seems to have problems posting my posts that I've spent ages typing up and attaching pictures too. Boo. So I shall quickly fill you in on everything you've missed. Exciting...not.

My dream car is a Fiat 500 and few weeks ago my dream was just about to come true. I had everything sorted. The Money, Car,  and Guarantor. I told the sales guy that I had everything sorted and he said I could have it by the next week. Yay. I then got a call to say that Fiat wouldn't except my guarantor just because they didn't live at the same address and unfortunately they're was no one else so my dream crashed and burned right there. 

I've also not been working for almost 4 weeks now after finishing at my old job as I've been waiting to start my new one which means I've been on a budget. Boo.

However I got a call today to say I go in tomorrow. Yay. I also bought me a new car, it's not a Fiat 500 but it's been one of the best cars so far. I don't know about you, but trying to find a good car these days that isn't scrap or has a stupidly high mileage at an even stupider price is like searching for a needle in hay stack.

I get to go pick my car up at the end of the week and start my job this week too. The two things I needed the most and I get them both sorted in the same day!

The sad news is I will definitely now need to sell my gorgeous little Punto to make space for my new one. I do home some nice person out their will buy it and fix it up themselves and get it back on the road where it belongs....x


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