Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I Hope you have all had a fabulous New Year and I wish you all the best for the new year. I wish you all the best of luck with resolutions for anyone who has made one. I have not made a proper resolution in years as I actually managed to succeed with mine which was to stop biting my nails, honestly I haven't bitten my nails in about 10 years, so it proves that with a bit of discipline and control you can do anything. 

Instead of resolutions I've made a list of some really important events I want to do this year.

On new years eve I sat thinking about what I had to look forward to in the next year and I realised there was nothing. My new year looked like my same old day to day routine, which is sleep, eat, work 8-5, shop occasionally and bake when I'm off. Boring huh? So  that's why I sat and thought about all things on my bucket list and select a few to do this year along with some other hopes for the new year.

First of all I'll...

Start A Budget 
After stating off 2012 with creating a savings account I never managed to actually save anything to put in it. Instead I had to spend what I saved on a new car, so this year I will be making a plan and aim to save so much each month.

Change Career
Okay this is a really though one when you live in the UK as it is truly awful here and very little opportunities around. It doesn't really help not having any other experiences either so I've decided to either work with children, start a business or have a 
more senior position in working with the elderly. 

Go To College
This is one thing I really want to do. I want to go and gain some new qualifications to help me get a better career as well as a chance to meet some new people and have a better social life.

Go On A Holiday
I Have never went on a holiday abroad and really want to start travelling. This will all depend on whether I can save enough or actually get round to planning a holiday but I will go on one eventually whether I'll be on my own or not.

Read A Book 
Amazingly I haven't read a whole book in 5 years. I've got a few books sitting on a shelf covered in dust which I actually want to read along with the ones downloaded on my iPhone. I will definitely have to start reading each night in bed.

Exercise More 
I'm not saying every single day I just hope to do more than I usually do. I love yoga and games like just dance on the Wii so I hope I will actually start to do them more often.

Eat Healthy 
In 2012 I downloaded a great app which was full of simple, healthy recipes to make so I plan to actually make them and freeze some to have at a later date. 

All of my above changes I believe will be realistic and I'll be able to achieve them all over the year. None are strict or had to have been started on the 1st..x


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