30 ways to save a £1 or more

30 ways to save a £1 or more

  1. Shop after you've eaten. You should be feeling full and not wanting to indulge in snacks and extra food you don't need.
  2. If you spot food that's reduced that you eat regularly. Freeze it. They may be nearing expiry date but can last up to 3 months after.
  3. Get a Clubcard/Member cards for shops you visit regularly. You can save points for money off vouchers.
  4. Get the Co-op savers card for Christmas. Every time you shop there pay an extra pound for a £1 stamp, collect 48 and they give you £2 for free. Perfect way to save in advance for Christmas food.
  5. Skype friends and family anywhere in the world from your laptop.
  6. If you drive, accelerate gently and keep to a reasonable speed. The accelerate is a money pump. The harder you press the more your spending.
  7. Do I really need this? No, remember how much that item was and when you get home transfer that amount to a saving account.
  8. Search for buy one get one free offers when eating out with friends and family. I've seen they premier Inn doing this offer a few times.
  9. If you really need a weekly/monthly magazine to read, subscribe at a discounted price or get them on a tablet for even less.
  10. Bake cakes and biscuits at home. They're cheaper to make than buy from a shop
  11. Shop around for Insurance quotes, also don't just stick to comparison websites, go direct to some for even cheaper quotes.
  12. Haggle with existing providers of insurance or bills. They'll reduce their rates if they want to keep you.
  13. Stop buying fizzy juice or bottle water. Tap water is filtered too, it's cheaper and your already paying for it.
  14. Turn off the taps when washing yourself or hair in the shower. You'll be saving some water and money along the way.
  15. Be realistic when giving annual mileage when taking out car insurance. Over shoot it and you'll be paying more that you have too.
  16. Bring you own snacks and drinks to the cinema, cinemas overprice their goods.
  17. Make your own cleaning products from something as simple as a lemon and tap water. Half the price plus no chemicals.
  18. You don't have to rinse and repeat when shampooing your hair. It was washed the first time now all your doing is wasting products. Shampoo will now last twice as long.
  19. Use your student card. You can get savings of up to 20%.
  20. Save on student fees by studying abroad. Fees can sometimes be a lot less.
  21. Hit the car boot sales. Not everything being sold is out of fashion, some people just wear it a few times then sell it on.
  22. Withdraw your spending limit. Take out £10 and that's your budget so you can't overspend with your direct debit.
  23. Have a night in with friends. Tea party's, homemade cocktail party's or movie nights.
  24. Get breakdown cover. It may seems like a waste of money but will save you a fortune on recovery trucks and repairs if your provider deals with them (especially if it's a weekend or bank holiday)
  25. Don't get charged a fee by cancelling a holiday at the last minute, re-schedule it for a few weeks time then cancel in a couple of days with plenty of notice.
  26. When shopping online try to find a site offering free delivery. Delivery can be expensive these day. A DVD on amazon could be cheaper on play.com including there free delivery.
  27. Organise your own accommodation and transfer at holiday time. Buying through your airline providers can cost a lot more.
  28. Cancel that gym membership and work out at home for free. Wii anyone?
  29. Turn off your heating in the summer. Just put an extra jumper on and a blanket on your bed at night and you'll never notice.
  30. Buy mens shaving foam, it's exactly the same just cheaper than women's.

I honestly didn't realise how long it would take to remember all of these money saving tips I've read or been told over the years. Some have really been down to experience. 

Money can be very boring topic to talk about, but talking about saving money shouldn't be. By reading some of these tips you may find yourself some news ways to save in everyday spends to treat yourself.


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