Glossybox - October 2016

Almost a month later, but better late than never I guess. Here is a look at last months Glossybox. Another fine edition, but not the best. This time it's collaborated with Estee Lalonde. 

What was in the box..

Bee Good Facial Exfoliator (Full Size) - I love Bee Good products, I will always appreciate a good old natural product that works. Never tried this before and I love a good exfoliate so it's a winner for me.

Ps..Pro AKA Primark (Full Size)  - Good on Primark for getting  their beauty range out and into beauty box. I've never heard anything negative so far so I have high hopes. I'm pretty darn excited to try this illuminating primer.

Trifle Cosmetics Lip Parfait (Full Size) - I was blown away by the pretty packaging. It might have been a cardboard type tubing but I was pretty impressed by it's structure and the fact I'm guessing it's made from recycled materials. The lipstick it's self was the let down, it had cracked right the way along the base, just ready to fall out or smoosh onto the side of the tube during application. Otherwise I little rework and I would be out to see what else they've got.

The Mystery Shampoo (Travel Size) - The bottle style itself gave it away for me and then the shampoo.  No mystery here that it was in fact Head&Shoulders.  Unfortunately for me I've never got on with their shampoos, my hair would always turn to the greasy side less than a day after washing. This shampoo was no different. Sorry guys.

Nuxe Shimmery Body Oil (Sample Size) - I can never remember how to spell this body oil. I actually already received this before at some other point in the year. Gorgeous oil though so I can't complain to owning another.

UB Cosmetics Secret Flush (Full Size) - Saw this exact product around but never knew who it was buy so I am thrilled to own it myself now. This is one of those multipurpose blushers that can be used as a lip tint too, not really my thing so It'll be remaining as just a blusher. It is one lovely scented blusher that I can't wait to try.

Overall it was a good box, but the first box this year I have been 100% obsessed with the products.


Along side the usual monthly box, November will also be seeing a limited edition box on the 14th to purchase separately for £35 (subscribers price). I've already had a look at what's in it, and well there's just not enough full size for me. The Burberry nail polish and Sarah Chapman Skinesis stickers is pretty exciting though.

Novembers box should be arriving on the 9th, subscribe now to get your hand on one...x


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