Why There Won't Be Any More Perfume Boxes - And A Note To Cohorted

This month should be the month I received my next quarterly white edition box from Cohorted, but sadly I won't be having anymore to share on the blog.

Here's why...
Last month the payment was due to come out for the white edition. The day it was due out I received an email from Cohorted saying "We have cancelled your subscription at your request. If you did not contact us to request that we cancel your subscription, please contact us as soon as possible to re-activate your subscription".

I most certainly did not request my subscription be cancelled, so I sent them a little email to let them know that I hadn't asked for it to be cancelled.

I also sent them a little tweet on twitter asking what happened.

Did I receive a reply after a few days? No

I then sent them another couple of tweets and still I got no acknowledgement. It's okay you know, not every business wants custom I guess, so in that moment I thought fine. save me £120 a year.

So I thought to myself...

After the last box I received that was pretty unexciting I figured it may have been stopped by Cohorted themselves as it wasn't doing very well.

Just to be sure I searched it and tried to subscribe again, only to be met with a this page doesn't exist. I think that pretty much explains it, but why say it was me who asked for it to be cancelled?.

I am a little gutted to not be having a few new perfumes landing on my doorstep but you know, these things happen.

 As for Cohorted though, to not even let customers know or even reply I'm extremely annoyed. Had yous even bothered I might have looked forward to receiving the makeup edition instead.


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