COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patches

Adult acne, what a downer.  Everyone you know seems flawless yet here we are with a huge spot on the chin, forehead, cheek and heck even the neck.  In a desperate bid to clear it up as quickly as possible, you just end up aggravating it even more.  Sound familiar?  Yeah me to.  

This is where these little beauties come in..

The wonderful Koreans have brought us so much wonderful new skinventions but these little pimple patches is what really changed skincare for me.

These patches are by COSRX and can be easily snatched up in the UK, whether it's from eBay or Amazon.  They are also purse friendly and well worth a try. 

What you get..

CORSRX make these pimple master patches in various pack sizes.  I went for a pack of 24.  Each sheet has a 24 patches with pimple patches in various sizes as it's recommended that you go for a patch bigger than the pimple. 

What are they..

These pimple patches are designed to be used on spots as a protective barrier and to absorb oil etc.  They are also non drying.  After cleansing skin and drying, you apply a sticker to the affected area and leave until it's turned white before replacing until the spots healed. 

Do they work..

These vary depending on the type of spot being dealt with.  I personally used them the most to heal skin if I'd been bad and picked at it. It helped them to heal undisturbed and did prevent them from drying out.  They also worked a treat on minor spots when applied early as it protected them and stopped them from being aggravated, sometimes I could remove it in the morning and the spot would have disappeared

Whats not so good..

They don't do well getting a little water near them.  I had a spot near my lip, went to brush my teeth, patch got a little went and fell of, it was quite a waste.  They are also to noticeable to cover with makeup.  I only ever used them overnight and on days off.   Sometimes they don't turn white, which is fine if you just want to use them as a little protective patch.

These have really helped my skin issues and I'm currently on my 2nd pack, obviously they don't make miracles happen but they help.  They are well worth considering and trying as I bought these from a seller in Korea for only £2.98.  If you need them quick there is UK sellers where you can buy them for around £5.98. 

COSRX also have a wider range of products I would love to try, if you've tried any, let me know...x


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