2014 Competition Wins

After March  I can't say I entered very many competitions, I became too busy with other stuff going on in my life so comping took a back seat. I fully intend to get back into it next year though.
Here is the last and final collection of what I won since I last posted in January.

I can't exactly remember how I might have one this as it just appeared in the post from Amazon and had only had the senders name and addresse on the slip. It's a book and has a CD on learning French without being so boring. 

Twitter RRP £12.99
I won this Off Road Driving DVD on Twitter, it was a ReTweet competition.

The Righteous Butter
Instagram RRP £10
Not so long ago Soap and Glory had a competition called "Show your stash" and all you had to do was upload a picture of your Soap and Glory collection. I posted mine on Instagram, got a tweet from them a few days later to say I'd won and received this lovely tub of The Righteous Butter in the post.

Magpie Accessories Real Leather
Twitter RRP £79
I had quiet a good spell of winning Twitter competitions. I'm sure I won 2 in the space of a week. This was another ReTweet competition held by Magpie Accessories who were giving away either an iPad or iPad Mini case. My name was pulled out of the bowl and I got a tweet showing me I had won. The case is lovely and is made from real leather.

Twitter RRP £79.99
I was well chuffed when I found out I won this Multicutter from Screwfix on Twitter. I had just woken up from my nightshift as they'd sent a tweet saying I'd won.

Facebook App
I actually had a Vauxhall Corsa at the time I won this from Vauxhalls Colour Me App on Facebook. It's a white antenna ball that says I love my Corsa.


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