What I learned in 2014

I said at the end of 2013 that 2014 was going to be a very different year for me.
It certainly was too.

It may have started off the usual but in March I lost the 2 loves of my life in the space of 12 hours. 

You shouldn't wait for a big life event to make a change..
I decided after losing my 2 best buddies that I needed to make a change. I was 21 and knew the same people for years, never went out and my life followed the same plan all the time. Don't get me wrong I was happy but sometimes there is just more to life.

People will let you down.
I had a lot of people let me down this year. Some without an explanation and some who done it constantly. I'm also talking about family. The ones you think you can rely on and stick to what they say but in reality they actually don't. Maybe I just don't like being let down because I'm one who always sticks to my plans and I don't make them if I know I won't be able to go ahead with it. I'm the one who would still make a plan to go out even though I was knackered or could have been doing something else.

Some things you just don't see coming. 
People from your past can suddenly just re-appear into your life again, either in the same position or something completely different.

People come and go. 
Sometimes you can expect it and sometimes it can be a total surprise and they choose not be part of your life without saying anything. Yes you'll be left wondering why but hey it's there loss, they just didn't get the time to see the real you. You can sit and spend hours wondering why or take the chance and ask or simply forget them,

If it doesn't make you happy, let it go. 
Sometimes you just know deep down that it's just not making you happy. I should have acted on my feeling but instead I kept hoping that something would change, even though deep down I knew it wouldn't and it didn't. I should have just said No and been done with it.

Trust you instincts 
They are always usually right. Ignoring them will only make you feel worse that you didn't listen to yourself.

You don't need anyone's permission or approval 
Not doing something you want to do, or doing it in secret is not the way to live. It won't make you happy and will take the joy out of doing things for your self. If you want to spend 50k on a car that someone doesn't approve of well hey it shouldn't matter, You're paying for it out of your own hard earned cash and well that money your working for won't be going with you when you die.

Nothing is set in stone 
It might seem like nothing is going to change and you're stuck in a rut but the truth is it will change with time or you can change things for yourself. One simple little step at a time is all you need. This year proved to me that things can change, even though I feel like I'm back in the same place I was 12 months ago.

Some of the best things are right not far from your doorstep.
I crave life in the big city, hotels, lights, fancy places to eat and all of the attractions but truth is I'm in Scotland Edinburgh is probably the closest thing I have to London but lets face it even Edinburgh is a fair travel. You might get jealous of all these bloggers posting a quick highlight of a nice place they've been or showing a quick snap of what there eating that well you just can't eat yourself in a small town. This year I went hill-walking up 2 hills to about 1200ft and got some incredible pictures and have some really good memories. I also went out to a few places not so far and discovered an American style coffee shop and somewhere near-by that I can buy one of those massive burgers held together with a stick if I really wanted.

Thank you to my followeres on G+, Facebook, Bloglovin' and SheSaidBeauty for joining me this year or having completed another year with me.



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