Smoothskin Bare - Weeks 3 and 4

I may have slipped up and missed my week 3 review but seeing as there was zero difference from week two, I decided it would be okay to combine it in with week fours review.

Areas treated:
Bikini line

Treatment and Time
Still taking it slower each week but still it's all done in about 10 minutes. Legs were done with glide motion and everywhere else was mostly done with the stamp feature for more precision.

Treatment is a doddle, I feel absolutely nothing, don't even notice a warming sensation much anymore unless the skin is a little broken as I seem to have a fair few ingrown hairs.

However I have noticed the machine is heating a bit and by the time I've done my legs and moved on to my stomach there is a slight burnt hair smell. Need to look into this or give it a bit of a break.

I'm still not shaving my face, no burnt hair but I think it's actually targeting the dark hair on the surface as it gives it a bit of a curl just after treatment.  It goes back to normal after a little while though.

By now it was claimed you should see a 92% reduction after 4 weeks.  I don't feel I saying that on next weeks review as I haven't actually noticed any difference, perhaps just 2% so far as a there is a couple of small patches at the side of my leg below the knee.

I also don't feel my hair growth has slowed down all that much either anymore, the bikini line is still the area that has had the best results so far.  The only thing is I was a girl who waxed her bikini line as opposed to shaving so under normal circumstances I don't know what the hair growth speed would have been had I just shaved.  The dreaded shaving rashes still remain.

Week 5 will hopefully be posted at the end of the week.


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