Smoothskin Bare - Weeks 5 and 6

Fortnightly update of the Smoothskin Bare device is here.  I am now past the half way mark for weekly treatments.

Areas treated:
Bikini line

Treatment and Time
Still taking my time and going slowly to make sure all areas are covered.  Estimated time is about 15 minutes. Legs are now the only area done with the glide motion.  Everywhere else I am doing with the stamp feature.

Treatment is still completely pain free although there is a bit of extra heat on areas suffering from ingrown hairs, shaving is such a joy.

The machine is still creating a bit of a burning smell, not sure why either.

Week 5, I continued to use the device on my face without shaving, but on week 6 I have tested it out by trimming a couple hairs.  I feel like device might have encouraged a bit of hair growth and so now I'm more determined than ever to get it to work.

Seeing as I'm half way through the weekly treatments, I feel like I should have seen a noticeable difference by now.  Hair regrowth is perhaps a little softer than before but by no means reduced.

I am a little disappointed so far as I'm losing hope in any real hair reduction. Although with 6 weeks to go, I guess there is still time for an improvement.

Catch up on week 8..x


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