Family Fun Day @ Scone Palace

On Sunday past my family headed off to Scone Palace for the family fun day event. 
Our main reason for going was the poster claiming to have water Zorbing and was our chance to tick it off our bucket list which sadly we didn't as they hadn't mentioned that it was in little kids swimming pool.

My Sister in the Zorb

The family fun day has passed now but this post will give a better insight to what might be there next year and whether you will want to go or not. 

Admission to family fun day only as follows

  • Adult £6
  • Senior/Student £5.40
  • Child under 16's £4.20
  • Under 5's FREE
  • Family £19.50
I personally found this a bit pricey £12 for 2 adults and there was actually nothing there for us, and as for children there was very little. 

You will need extra money and a lot of it if you have a few kids or plan on letting them have a good day as a shot on the bouncy castle or Zorb will set you back £5 each for a couple of minutes. Painting a pot each was also £5 plus any little bit's and pieces bought from the stalls and food.

The Maze
Anything Free?
The maze which this year had hidden Denis the menace characters hidden through out it. If you were able to find out how many of each character was hidden in the maze you got to claim a good bag.
The maze was actually really good and we spent about 2 hours in it trying to find all the characters and find our way to the water fountain in the centre. 

Kids were also able to get inside a fire engine and police car for free, but be warned it isn't a peaceful day with the sirens constantly getting put on. 

In The Maze
One of the characters we found 

Below are a few picture I have taken from around the gardens which are free to roam. Some I haven't included as I didn't want to spoil everything about the day.

Overall I won't be going back to it again anytime soon. I did enjoy the maze and gardens thought but I wouldn't be paying that much to do it again..x


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