Happy New Year + My New Years 3

Happy New Year 

Firstly I hope everyone had an awesome hogmanay and is all set for an incredible 2014 and wish you all the best of luck and health for the next year.  

I have only chosen 3 things to work on this year, none are resolutions but more of things that are achievable and fun to do.

My New Years 3

  1. Go somewhere/ do something new once a month (except April and May - Busy times). I already have something planned for the end of January which I can't wait to get all planned. 
  2. Use up as much beauty products as I can by the end of the year. I feel like this might actually be possible this year, I'm already off to a great start.
  3. Enter 10 competitions a day and document them. This is something fun to do, and a challenge to find 10 competitions a day. It will also be good to see how much I win each month. We'll see if I can stick to this one.
What's your 2014 plans?..x


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