Smoothskin Bare - Week 2

The second week of treatment using Smoothskin Bare was done last week and I'm back with the next update to see what changes happened over week 2.

Areas treated:
Bikini line

Treatment and Time 

I done the second treatment a little slower than I had done the first time, this time all areas took me under 15 minutes.  The full legs were done with the glide feature, but the stomach, bikini line, and face were still done on stamp more for more precision.  The underarms were done with a mixture of both and gone over 5 times to make sure all areas were caught.

Treatment was again still pain free, just very slight warmth in some areas. I avoided the birth mark this time but did catch a small cut on my leg which did sting and go red for a little while.

Again I did not shave my face before treatment and everything was fine, no burnt hair or anything.


Regrowth still seems to be slower, although no effect on underarms or stomach as of yet.  No effect on my face although I did have a hair fall out a few days after treatment, I just don't know if it was because of the treatment or it was going to fall out anyway,

The bikini line has had the best results so far with the slowest regrowth.  The shaving rashes have been a little bit of a downer.

Treatment 3 was done on Saturday, right on time.  I will update on Sunday next week...x


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