Glossybox - May 2017

My favourite beauty box so far is here.  This month we have the classic pink box again, with the contents of the box set around statement products.

With 3 out 5 products being full size, here's what I got...

Nutrakiss Lip Plumper (Travel Size) - Nutrakiss is a brand I'd not heard of before prior to Glossybox.  I can say that from the totally cute little key chain with a travel sized sample of their plumping lipgloss attached that I am impressed already.

Dr Paw Paw (Full Size) - I often saw Dr Paw Paw in boots but never picked any up, purely because it's a multipurpose balm that I would compare to brands such as Pommade Divine, Vaseline and Lanolips.  I just felt like I had enough and wouldn't need it.  I am glad to discover it in my Glossybox to try though as it is in fact a little different.

Caudalie Vinosource Moisturising Sorbet (Sample Size) - I have previously tried a few other products by Caudalie and loved them so I am pretty sure this will be just as good.  Designed for when skin goes a little haywire and sensitive which is pretty much mine all the time.

Ruby Blush (Full Size) - Why hello a blush from Irish brand Ruby.  Believe it or not at time of writing I have only just realised this is the same brand responsible for the awesome Ruby makeup brush in a previous Glossybox.  I was just about to say the brand was new to me.  The bush is a little tricky to open but I am loving the Coral shade.

Scrub Love Body Scrub (Full Size) - Unless you've been living under a rock,  you're bound to have spotted these body scrubs in various Instagrams or magazines.  I know I have.  I've been eyeing them up for a while but at £13.95 I didn't want to gamble on a body scrub with such hype as usually those hyped up products are nothing but a disappointment.  The packaging is adorable and feels very fresh.  I really look forward to giving it a try.

Overall Glossybox has curated another perfect box full of beauty staples.  The body scrub is worth more than the cost of the box itself so the box is once again great value for money.

Next month's Glossybox will see an eye cream by 111 Skin.  111 Skin products are created by those fabulous dermatologist at Harley St, London so this is a product worth getting your hands on...x


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