Smoothskin Bare - Weeks 7 and 8

Fortnightly update of the Smoothskin Bare device is here.  Two thirds of the way towards the 12 weeks mark of weekly treatments.

Areas treated:
Bikini line

Treatment and Time
Treatment feels a little bit like a chore now.  I have a bath, shave everywhere but my face that is getting treated and then proceed with using the device once I've dried off for a while.  Treatment still takes about 15 minutes, keeping the steady pace going to make sure I catch all the bits. 

I feel absolutely nothing except it's a little hot on the stomach.  I worry that by not even feeling a heating sensation it's not actually doing it's job.  I read a few reviews on other devices where people have claimed treatment is a little painful.

Legs has seen a slow regrowth.
Face has saw zero results.
Underarms has only developed a small bald patch in the centre of each,  It's pretty funny. 
Bikini Line I would say seems to have become tolerant to it and has gone back to it's old ways. 
Stomach is seeing a few hairs here and there disappear. 

It's not the results I would have liked so far, but perhaps if I keep it a weekly thing for longer than the advised 12 weeks, I might see greater results within the next year.  I don't feel it's going to work unless I shave my face, which right now is not an option. 

Next review in 2 weeks again...x


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