Smoothskin Bare - Weeks 9 and 10

Weeks 9 and 10 review is here.  We are nearing the end of the initial 12 weeks of treatment now.  Here's how it's gone lately..

Areas treated:
Bikini line

Treatment and Time
I am actually getting a bit bored of doing it now, even if it is just once a week.  However I've still kept it up.

Treatment is still pain free except the heating on the stomach, and taking about 15 minutes to do all the areas listed above. Still making sure to take time and make sure I catch all the areas.

Legs regrowth is a little slower, still some persistent quick spiky growing hairs.  However I have noticed a few sparse patches.  Not a lot to make a real difference but with inspection using an iPhone torch you can see small patches.

Face still has zero results, in fact I think it's been encouraging hair growth.  It's a bit depressing to say the least.

Underarms are still rocking the same wee bald patches right in the centre.  Not noticeable though

Bikini Line is still refusing slow or soften it's regrowth.  No differences here.

Stomach has still seen the best results, except a few strong persistent hairs.

The final weeks review will be up soon enough, then perhaps they will be down to just monthly updates from then on....x


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