The Ultimate Festive Feast - Fridays Food For Thought

A few weeks ago I went into my local Co-op and found in the reduced aisle, The Ultimate Festive Feast, reduced from £12.99 to £3.99. I had no intentions of buying the book as I'd never heard of it before but seeing as it was near to Christmas and a cook book which could possibly have new recipes in it for me to try, I decided to buy it. 

The Ultimate Festive Feast £12.99

The book contains recipes from all your favourite chefs like Gordon Ramsay, Angela Hartnett, Michel Roux Jr, and Mary Berry plus others.

Did you know you can start preparing and planning your Chritmas and New Years meals in October? Nope Me Neither. The contains a Christmas Countdown on what and when you can start to prepare early. It begins at October with making Christmas Chutney and ends with a plan for Christmas day including times. Brilliant Huh...

The Ultimate Festive Feast has some very interesting recipes in and is full of Ideas for your feast, right from the Starters to Puddings and biscuits. The book doesn't contain a picture of every meal in it, which I think is a good thing as It means their is more recipes in it than pictures so you get more for your money, I mean...I want a recipe not a picture book. The pictures it does have are inspiring and look good.

Here is a page from inside..

Cheese and Ham Pie

Doesn't it look good? That would be one of the things I make for Christmas as I'm not into a traditional turkey etc. You see there's a recipe for everyone, including bread sauce, which I'm sure would be so much better than making it out of a packet. 

If you haven't planned you festive meal, will you be going out to buy this cook book?...x


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