May Lindstrom Skin - The Blue Cocoon

It has been so long since I last shared my thoughts on anything skincare.  I'm sure it had a lot to do with suffering from peri-oral and peri-official dermatitis that no matter what I used, the results were not going to be as reliable as they could have.

Jumping back into the skincare game and I'm starting it off with May Lindstrom's Blue Cocoon. A quick heads up in case the product makes you swoon, it is not cheap.

I have had this for over a year now but only got round to opening it when my skin had started to recover, and also due to the fact that my sister is now suffering from acne and I thought it would do the trick to soothe her skin.

May Lindstrom is well known for her natural miracle giving skincare as well as her fine work ethic. You won't ever find her skincare range discounted but for good reasons.

What is the Blue Cocoon?

A calming blue beauty balm aimed at the sensitive/irritated skin-types.  It's a solid balm that melts upon warmth. Applied to skin after cleansing.

On opening the lid, I found it to smell fresh and minty while in solid form.  When melting and applied to my face it smelled like chocolate orange. This you are either going to love the smell of or loathe it. 

How I found it

My thoughts on the scent are above but the overall product was delightful.  It really does calm down your mind when applied and inhaled deeply by covering your face.  Skincare wise it really did soothe my sore dry skin that had been suffering after a bit of exposure to the snow.  

It isn't something I would use often though, I found it best used once off to restore my skins health.  I felt like my skin was missing out on something while just using it alone after cleansing.  It was just one those products I don't think I would have as a serum, or applied on top of a serum as a moisturiser but then it was like going straight in with an oil.  I just didn't know where it had it's place in long term skincare routine. 

Probably best left as a treat to unsettled skin as it's £174 a jar.  I'm sure when I bought it, it was only £128.  

If you're on a budget I'd say there is just as much out good stuff out there to try at a fraction of the cost, but if you have the spare cash or a very distressed face then I would say consider it and give it a try.  But do remember it's like smearing chocolate orange scented balm on your face. 

Buy here from Cult Beauty..x


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