Flo Rida - I Cry - Music Monday

This is my first Music Monday post, as you'll have already guessed from it's name, it will be posted on a Monday and be about music.
I listen to anything so the song choice could be anything from old to new that's been released or a song I've heard on a movie.

Okay, so now we've got that sorted here is Flo Rida and I Cry.

The song has been out for 11 weeks now and is currently at #30 in the Uk Top 40. Chances are you'll already know half the words as it has the Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little) sampled in it. Now I personally don't think he's "Killed" it at all as I'd already heard Bingo Players version first and still enjoyed Flo Rida's.
If you want to compare have a listen to Bingo Players version below.
The first minute of it can be quiet annoying to be honest.

Happy Listening...x


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