The Blog Make-Over

The day I started my blog I thought I had it all planned, the way it looked, what I'd post, how often I'd post, well I haven't managed any of it.

Mission #1 - Post Everyday

When I started the blog I was working 2 days a week and had plenty spare time to shop and blog. I've now got a new job and haven't got that work-life balance sorted yet which means I have no time to sit down and do a blog post as it's be eat, wash, read the news and then fall asleep with a DVD on before getting up to go to work again. Luckily I'm settling in well and don't suffer from that "Oh no time to go to work" feeling that I used to have.

Mission #2 - Re-design

I am actually a bit jel of how everyone else has their blogs looking so organised, professional and interesting that I'm now going to start re-designing it again. I'm actually very happy with myself for adding my twitter and  instagram to the side but I feel I need to more, like a link bar at the top so you can be directed to a specific type of posts of mine i.e baking.

Mission #3 - The Posts

My blog is supposed to be made up of posts from my day to day life, what happens, what I see, what I think  which I guess can include shopping posts because It's something I've done, Reviews cause It's what I think and what I see? Well It's on instagram so I this I think it makes it okay and points out that It's not a fashion and beauty blog. Agree?

Now I've sorted that out, I do think my posts could do with a bit of organising so I've thought of using the weekdays to help build a specific post for each day.

Monday - Music Monday

Tuesday -  Tuesdays Troubles (Bad Luck Posts)

Wednesday - Wish List Wednesday

Thursday - Thursdays Thoughts (Reviews)

Friday - Food Friday

Saturday - Saturdays Savings

Sunday - Shopping Spree Sunday

This I think will help me to choose what to write about each day and can do more that one post each day If there is something else I have on mind.

Mission #4 - Complete Missions 1-3

This mission is pretty self explanatory, I hope to have my blog sorted by the New Year and stick to it....x


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