The Little Things - Sunday Shopping Spree

First off I would like to say I have now completed 2 of my missions for my blog makeover, firstly I have made great progress on re-designing it and secondly I have posted everyday this week which was my main mission. I plan to keep that going this week...

This week has been nothing but bad weather so I haven't exactly been out to do much shopping, I did however fit in an hour on Friday and managed to buy a few things.

Here what I've got...

The Little Things

Above you will see my Along Came Betty products that I bought which you can read about here.

I bought the hand and foot packs from Home Bargains for 99p each

The Love Your Lips is a pack of 3 lip tattoos, which were £1 from The Factory Shop,

and lastly was the 2 models own nail polishes which I got together for £3 as they come free with More magazine, you can also buy a models own lip gloss too.


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