Chantilly and Mont Blanc Cupcakes

Christmas is upon us now so I thought I would just share this early tip on a quick way to use up left over double cream. They don't have to be just a leftover thing,  they make a great butter cream alternative all year round.
I made these last year and they proved a hit with everyone. 
Mont Blanc
Both recipes are very similar and only require baking staples - nothing fancy.

Mont Blanc
300ml Double Cream 
1tsp Vanilla Extract 
2tsps Caster Sugar 
and a little cocoa powder to dust with.
Beat the cream, vanilla extract and caster sugar till they hold in soft peaks. Apply to cakes (I piped swirls on to get that mountain shape) then lightly dust with cocoa powder.

250ml Very Cold Double Cream 
1tbls Icing Sugar 

Whip double cream till almost stiff then add in icing sugar, pipe or spread onto cakes - again I chose to pipe on swirls. 

So that's it - Simple huh?
Look good, taste great and can be done quickly onto whatever kind of cakes you like...x


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