The Lipstick Tag

How many lipsticks are in your collection?

A weeks worth of just 7.  It would have been 10 but I was very brave and cancelled an order for 3 Macs just 2 weeks ago.

How old were you when you started wearing lipstick?

Honestly it was only really just last year I started wearing lipstick outside the house.

What was your first lipstick?

MeMeMe in Chloe 1 - I still have the lipstick, it's pictured above (silver striped one). I remember buying it something like 10 years ago when I was in my early teens and was staying at my great aunts house. I think it was a voucher out of cosmopolitan magazine.

What lipsticks can't you leave the house without?

Soap and Glory's. They last all day for me and they're also very wearable day to day. 

Show a lipstick you wear to stand out.

Maybelliene fuchsia flash 902 cause it's such a hot pink.

Show the last lipstick you bought.

These 2 by Soap and Glory were the last ones I bought. 

What lipstick did you regret buying?

Sadly it's got to be Calvin Kleins Ethereal which I just found too drying and would cling to dry lips and wouldn't apply smoothly. I was actually a little surprised when I bought it as I thought for being originally £14 would have been better quality.

What is your most expensive and inexpensive lipstick?

Most expensive would have to be Soap and Glorys as they are £9 each. 
Inexpensive  well...I'm assuming I can't put free down now can I? So it will have to be Calvin Klein at £2.

Show a lipstick you love.

Maybelliene 24hr super stay. It's a nice shade of pink that I love but haven't dared to wear out yet. 

Do you like, love or addicted to lipsticks?

I like lipsticks but I should really be classed as addicted as every lipstick I see I want to buy (That's right MAC) I just have really good control as you can tell by my little collection.


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