Meet Ryan - Baby Months

Meet Ryan..
These pictures are from when he was roughly 3 months old and was a quiet, cute little ball of wool. Ryan was banned from eating sweeties after getting a stomach problem which was probably caused by eating a rhododendron bush. Luckily he pulled through after 48hrs of anxious waiting and long hours of tummy rubs. He was proper sick a few times which I think helped him the most. 

#I loved milky stars when I was little. 
When I was small enough to go out in the car..x
#I loved going for short rides in the car, I used to stand and look out the window at all the lush grass that was passing by. Playing with indicators was fun too.
I'd Rather Eat Than See You..x
#I used to be a little rascal and run away when anyone tried to stop me from going near the rhododendron bush.

Sleepy Munchkin..x
#I actually used to lie down and sleep for a while when I was little. Not now muahhahaha.

Ryan Loves Nail Polishes..x
#I love getting my nose in things - see my approval of Nails Inc nail polish. I found it very interesting ...x


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