First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads

On the blog today is First Aid Beauty aka FAB facial radiance pads. These are another budget glycolic acid toner but in pre soaked pads form. At just £22 for 60 or £ for 28 with free delivery and delivered in good time it was a good start. To trial these I went with the 28 tub.

These pads as it says are to exfoliate, tone and brighton. 

The tub itself is slim and travel handy with a screw on lid that stays put. I'm loving it's blue and silver theme on the lid, the side of the tub is basic blue with all the product deets on the side.

The pads are very well soaked but not to the extent they're dripping. Scent wise they don't really smell of anything, nice and plain which is a nice change. 

There is two sides to these pads, the picture above shows a textured side. I use this side first, not that it makes any difference I don't think I just feel its right to use it like this. Despite looking bumpy the pad is still soft and doesn't feel at all different. 
The second side shown below is the smooth side which I turn to for my second sweep. 

Overall Opinion after use - Repurchase
These pads are so quick and easy to use they are quiet a favourite of mine. Having bought them a month ago and used a fair few the remaining pads in the tub are still well soaked and not drying up. Alternating these between another glycolic acid toner and there working out well budget wise for me. 

The tingle is very light and you only feel something if you leave it a minute or two before applying serum. Personally my skin gets on really well with these and looks better and a wipe of these compared to other glycolic acids. Perhaps it's all in the 2 textured pads?

To try these out yourself you can buy the 28 tub here or jump in for a full size of 60 pads here.
If you're new to Look Fantastic then I suggest signing up to there newsletter first for 20% off your first order. Delivery is free and I've had no issues with any orders so far..x


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