Life Update - Personal Post

Just bringing a little life update to the blog today. To share what I'm thinking and getting up to for me to read back on in a few weeks/months/years. 

Lack of enthusiasm has prevented me reaching my full blogging potential. Also the fact I get ripped off by my internet provider so uploading pictures becomes a slight problem. I've also ran out of background ideas. As for working I really need to get back to working full time. I have applied for a great position that I can really see myself in. Fingers crossed

Life in general has been pretty quiet, mainly down to it being far to cold and Icey to be driving about it at night. I am a little antsy and eager to be out and about again. 

The Shopaholic Problem 
One problem with working full time as a blogger and not working for a huge pay check each month is the actual issue of not having an income and spending like you used to. How I've solved this is to only buy things when they're on sale or with vouchers and discount codes. So far
this has worked well and everything minus a few pairs of socks and my mums birthday present has been greatly reduced in price or on offer. 

Future Posts 
I have got a discount code post in the lineup along my thoughts on a few more real techniques brushes, some freedom lipsticks and pretty candle...x 


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