Cohorted White Edition - August 2016

It's time for Cohorted's next quarterly perfume box unveiling. 

This month I sadly never got a little booklet included which usually tells me how much each sample is worth and a little more about them. This months white box also never arrived all tied up with a white bow, perhaps it's a new look for them. 
However here is what we have...

Burberry Brit Rhythm 50ml (Full size) - Seeing a full size Burberry perfume brought me right back to my days in high school when it was all about the Burberry scarfs and scents. It's a happy edition to the perfume collection I wouldn't have actually ever thought to buy for myself. I found it at Fragrance Direct for £24.99.

Lolita Lempicka 5ml - Lolita Lempicka featured in the last white edition and here we are with another from the same brand. Usually I would be a little disappointed to not be introduced to someone new but the little bottle (top right) is so cute. I also like the scent too. 

Oilily Ovation Vial - I love this scent. I've never heard of it before, and will need to do a little research but I think I'll be picking this up full size as it's a nice strong scent.

Chloe Vial - This is the exact same sample given in February's white edition which I loved way back then and reminded of again. I popped this sample in my car to spray on the go and have wore it to college twice already. It's the perfect lasting scent and I could still smell it in the evening even after changing my clothes. 

I'd love to have had the booklet to find out more and to see if I got the right samples, but still this is another great box. I'm already counting down to the next box due in November...x


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