Mixing Shoes And Art - Converse

A few weeks ago at college, we were set the task of going on a website we love and writing a bit about it's design
One website I landed on was very.co.uk. During my search of the website layout I sort of found myself browsing all things converse. That is how I came across these absolute gorgeous pair. 

I've never owned a pair of converse in my life.  Purely because I wanted to team them with skinny jeans and well, a girl with skinny legs and size 6 feet always looks a bit like a clown, I mean my feet look (to me) massive and just not stylish at all.  But then again I am seeing it all from a birds eye view, which I guess is why I should believe people when they say "you look fine".

Fears of having clown feet aside, I went straight home to share my news of finding "a gorgeous pair of leopard print trainers".  Yes I thought it looked like leopard print. 

When I finally checked them out properly at home I discovered they were in fact mouths AND by Andy Warhol.  Knowing that made me need to purchase a pair of converse by Andy Warhol. 

And so I did with my 20% discount and getting them for (at the time) a bargain of £40. 

They are as beautiful in real life as they were on the website.  I've worn them several times already (even with skinny jeans) and can say I am so over the moon with them.  They are sooooo comfy and look great on.  Still I do wonder if I could of bought a size 5 and squeezed my feet in?. 

Think they look great too? well lucky for you,  they dropped in the sale to just £30.50.  Usually I'd of been a bit annoyed with myself but I wanted them that much I probably would have been more annoyed at missing out of them altogether. 

Will you be buying a pair? 
Or do you feel the same as I do when it comes to skinny jeans and big feet?...x


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