I Need In My Life Right Now - Wish List

Woohoo summer is finally here. This is the first time in 10 years I have baked out in the sun and let myself burn...oops. 
I have also found out that half of the products I own are just not cutting it this summer so I have put together this little list of what I could really do with right about now.

Let's start with a little something to stop my make-up melting off my face...

Pro-Base Makeup Fixing Mist
MUA Pro-base Makeup Fixing Mist

Mua  Pro-base Makeup fixing mist sounds like an absolute must right about now. It's £5 a bottle and is designed to keep make-up in place in hot weather condition's as well as all that horrible weather you experience in winter.

I don't want a sun burnt face again...

Feel Good Factor
Hello Soap and Glory's Feel Good Factor. An SPF25 face moisturiser that I really need so I can protect my face, neck and hands from the sun. £12 from boots. 

Any other summer must haves I should be adding to the list?..x


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