2015s Best Beauty Discoveries - Hair

This post is my favourite hair care discoveries.

Tangle teaser - I received this in July and ditched the normal hair brush straight away. This little plastic pod powers through my hair wet or dry and was a lifesaver at getting through those nasty nests that formed in my long hair after a couple hours work. Next year I'm looking to pick up a travel one. 

Bumble and bumble Sunday shampoo £19 - 
I have actually been using this shampoo once a week on a Sunday as a power cleanse for my hair. Living in a house with no treated water, this was the right shampoo to cleanse my hair of hard water minerals build up and whatever the stuffs called that coats my hair from the old copper pipes. My hairs then ready for another week of products. 

CoLab Luxe Shine - I've never actually read the can to see exactly what this is but oh my it gives me lucious glossy locks. 

CoLab Dry Shampoo London - I bought this online without checking scents and was a little worried when it arrived and said musk. I hate the smell musk. I finally used this before work one day and it went on so lightly it made my hair look fresh and not great. The scent is amazing . It smells so good, not musky at all and lasts all day that I was smelling it now and again on my way home. I'll be making sure to pick up a few more. 

Salon Science - This is one yummy smelling hair serum. It's also been the only one I've used for most of this year because it's lasting months despite being used almost daily. It's a generous amount from each dispense as well. 

The last posts to come will be nail and lip favourites...x


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